As the progress of society based solely
on economic growth has reached its limits,
the inherent wealth of human beings (“Well-Being”)
and the nature of society to achieve this are being questioned.

“WE AT” aim to accumulate natural capital, human capital,
and social capital, which form the basis of a well-being economy,
keeping in mind the categories of the "Well-Being Framework"
proposed by the OECD.
We will support startup businesses and projects of companies
and research institutions that contribute to accumulation.

Through this, we will realize multifaceted well-being
that goes beyond human physical and mental health
to the realization of a society in which diverse people coexist
and connect with each other,
and the sustainable global environment
that is the foundation of that society.
I aim to go.

A startup ecosystem that creates
global social entrepreneurs from Japan.


Based on the OECD's "Well-Being Framework",
we aim to realize multifaceted Well-Being
through the accumulation of economic capital, natural capital, human capital, and social capital.