As the progress of society based solely
on economic growth has reached its limits,
the inherent wealth of human beings (“Well-Being”)
and the nature of society to achieve this are being questioned.

“WE AT” aim to accumulate natural capital, human capital,
and social capital, which form the basis of a well-being economy,
keeping in mind the categories of the "Well-Being Framework"
proposed by the OECD.
We will support startup businesses and projects of companies
and research institutions that contribute to accumulation.

Through this, we will realize multifaceted well-being
that goes beyond human physical and mental health
to the realization of a society in which diverse people coexist
and connect with each other,
and the sustainable global environment
that is the foundation of that society.
I aim to go.

A startup ecosystem that creates
global social entrepreneurs from Japan.


Based on the OECD's "Well-Being Framework",
we aim to realize multifaceted Well-Being
through the accumulation of economic capital, natural capital, human capital, and social capital.

Realizing a Well-Being society, it's necessary to accumulate other 3 capitals in addition to the existing economic capital.
Accumulating 4 types of capital based on support for social entrepreneurs.
Achieving multifaceted Well-Being for Sei-Katsu-Sha (all people) and society

*Prepared with reference to The OECD Well-being Framework


We support social entrepreneurs who will take on global challenges from Japan in a university startup ecosystem open to the world.


Name WE AT General Incorporated Association
Promoter UTokyo, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Kyoto University, Hakuhodo, Sumitomo Life Insurance, Canon Marketing Japan, UTokyo-IPC
Location Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Representatives (Co-Representative) Itaru Yoshizawa, Hiroki Fujimoto
(Vice-Representative) Daisuke Kanama
Established May 16, 2024
Main Business Discovering and nurturing social entrepreneurs, various support for the founding and growth of startups
Planning and running award events, etc.
Services such as human resource development for ecosystem development
Research and recommendations in related fields
Businesses incidental or related to the above